
Welcome to Wuxi Huiqian Logistics Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.

Belt Conveyor Solutions Provider


Free roller and conveyor

Damping roller

Damping roller

NAME:External Damping roller 


1)control the speed of pallet,the heavier the pallet is ,the faster the speed is,the more the friction is,the big the force is.

2)This type of damping roller is equiped under the roller conveyor,with certain friction with rollers,convenient to istallation with the external structure.

3)fields:gravity rack,Fluency rack ,roller conveyor rack and gravity roller conveyor.


1)roller diameter:?92mm,counterbuffer-nylon,parts-carbon with zinc palting,load:1500kg

2)roller diameter ?120mm,counterbuffer-nylon,parts-carbon with zinc palting,load:1000kg

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